Thanksgiving 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nine things to be thankful for as a financial advisor
We're Here For You!

Happy Thanksgiving!  We hope you have a wonderful day spent with family, friends, and great food.

As you know, Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting on all that we have to be thankful for. It occurred to us the other day that, as your financial advisors, we’ve never shared what we are thankful for. And we are thankful for a lot. 

So, if we can beg your indulgence, please allow us to share:

Nine things we are thankful for as your financial advisors

  1. Our country
    We’re thankful we live in a country where we have the freedom to set our own goals, choose our own paths, and pursue our own happiness. There are millions of people in the world who don’t have this freedom – a freedom we strive never to take for granted.
  2. Our military
    We’re thankful for the thousands of brave men and women who strive to protect that freedom, along with all the other unalienable rights we enjoy.
  3. Our community
    As financial advisors, we have come to know many different members of our community, including people from all walks of life. While no community is perfect, we truly believe ours is as beautiful, unique, and worth participating in as any in the world. We are lucky to live here – and we are thankful we do!
  4. Our modern world
    While sometimes it seems like modern technology causes as many problems as it solves, in our case, it has enabled us to help more people better – and faster! The fact that we can speak with you over the phone, send you an email or monitor your investments with just the push of a button is amazing. There’s more power in our cell phones than in the spacecraft that took Neil Armstrong to the moon – and that power is something we’ve come to rely on every day.
  5. Our health
    As financial advisors, one of the most important things we do is help people be secure financially so they can take care of themselves physically. It’s helped us become more appreciative of our own health. The simple fact we can leave our homes and go to work every day is no small blessing.
  6. Our job
    We are thankful we have a job that enables us to support our family and pursue our passions. We are thankful our jobs are our passions. Not everyone enjoys going to work every day. Not everyone has the opportunity to do what they love. But we do, and we will never stop being grateful for it.
  7. Our team
    While we all strive to be as self-reliant as possible, the fact is that no one succeeds in life without the help of others. That’s why we are so thankful for our amazing team. There has never been a group of people more dedicated and professional. We wouldn’t be where we are without them.
  8. Our families
    The older we get, the more we realize that family is what matters most in this life. A loving, supportive family is the richest fortune anyone can have, and in that regard, we are each rich indeed. In good times and bad, it’s our family who have cheered us on, propped us up, and pushed us forward. We love and cherish them all.
  9. Our clients
    We are thankful for you. Do you have any idea how lucky we are to work with clients of your character? How humbled we are to be entrusted with your financial success? How honored we are to help you in any small way we can?

The truth is, there are lots of people in this world we would not want to work with. But when we look through our list of clients, we are staggered. We have the privilege of serving some of the smartest, kindest, most decent human beings anyone has ever met.

People like you are why we do what we do. You’re the reason we never hit the snooze button. The reason we are happy to burn the midnight oil. There aren’t words to express how thankful we are for your business. For your trust. For your kindness. For you.

In other words, we are thankful to be your financial advisor. On behalf of our entire team, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

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What is Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving has always been about being thankful for what you have. Even before it was set as an official holiday, it was a centuries-old tradition to have a feast celebrating a good harvest, victory in battle, or some other momentous occasion.

The custom of celebratory feasts is almost as old as civilization itself. For most of our history, we’ve depended on good harvests to get us through tough times. Winter, famine, war, upheaval – people have long worked hard to “get ahead” of the adversity life always throws our way. These days, of course, most of us don’t have to worry so much about things like starvation. Yet the idea of “Thanksgiving” is still as important as ever.

All of us still face setbacks and obstacles, adversity and hardship. Giving thanks for what we have – for whatever good fortune we’ve enjoyed this year – helps strengthen our resolve to deal with today’s challenges and tomorrow’s trials. I think that’s why Thanksgiving has evolved from being a harvest celebration to something much grander.

It’s a celebration of life.

But what about all those who have no good fortune to celebrate?
One of the best things about Thanksgiving – both now and in the past – is that it’s also been a time for ensuring those less fortunate than us have something to celebrate as well. Even in medieval times, thanksgiving feasts gave much needed respite for beggars, debtors, widows, orphans, and all those who could not provide for themselves.

In the modern age, record numbers of people volunteer food and time to ensure others can eat. Even the President of the United States will traditionally serve a thanksgiving meal to those who can’t enjoy a feast with their families, like the members of our armed forces.

So, this Thanksgiving, please join with me in looking back on our good fortune, not just this year, but in all the years stretching back to the beginning of history. Join me in giving thanks that we have each other to build a world that makes almost every year better than the one before.

On behalf of all us of here at Research Financial Strategies, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
