Retirement Advisor

Retirement Planning Library

Increasing numbers of working adults are preparing to retire without the traditional safety net of employer pension plans. The responsibility for financial security in retirement now rests largely on the shoulders of the individual. While retirement planning can seem intimidating, it’s never too early or too late to start preparing for the future.

Questions To Ask A Financial Advisor

The recent volatility in the stock market has again become a wake up call to many investors.

How financial advisors provide value to those saving for retirement

What if I said that people who try to invest for retirement on their own have almost 50% less in their accounts than those who use an experienced financial advisor? Would you be surprised? The proof is in the numbers.

5 Benefits of Working in Retirement

In the past, retirement has been portrayed as an ending, a grand exit from your years in the workplace. But the rules are shifting. 

Enjoy Life. Hire Someone To Watch Your 401K

Have you ever thought you’d be happier if you could just pay someone else to do watch your company 401K retirement plan account?

401K 2nd Opinion

If you feel that you are not receiving adequate investment advice from your employer’s retirement plan provider, we can manage your 401K, TSA, TSP, Simple Plan or Pension Plan

7 surprising things Not Covered By Medicare

Medicare pays for most of medical expenses for individuals once they turn 65, but surprising gaps in coverage can wreak havoc with a retiree’s limited budget.

Important information for people with retirement plans

What if I said that people who try to invest for retirement on their own have almost 50% less in their accounts than those who use an experienced financial advisor? Would you be surprised?

How well do you really know your 401K?

For many people, a 401K is the easiest and most convenient way to save for retirement. Unfortunately, many people don’t know as much about their 401K as they should. As a result, they aren’t getting as much out of it as they could.

Making Solid Financial Decisions Now Can Impact Your Retirement

People commonly prioritize the short-term over the long-term. But a great way to determine if the decision is a good one is to ask yourself if you are mortgaging your future to pay for your present.

Are You Ready To Retire?

In the United States, we have a potential crisis on the horizon.  The majority of Americans are not financially prepared for their retirement.

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Plan

End-of-life planning can be complicated and a little scary. That may be why so many people don’t do it. After musician Prince Rogers Nelson died without a will in 2016, Gallup conducted a poll and found the majority of Americans don’t have wills.

Organizing Your Financial Records and Emergency Forms

Would someone be able to find your important papers during a crisis if you became ill, injured, or incapacitated?  It’s a good idea to make sure a trusted family member or friend knows where to find your personal documents

Finding the ‘Goldilocks’ Retirement Plan

Where are you the most comfortable saving for retirement?  Many Americans save for retirement primarily through an employer’s retirement plan, according to Pew Research.  Regrettably, less than one-half of private sector employers sponsor retirement plans. It usually the larger firms that have plans

How Will Rising Healthcare Costs Affect Your Retirement?

We all know it is inevitable. It’s no secret healthcare costs will be going up. For years, medical expenses have been steadily increasing. In 2007, medical expenses rose almost 12 percent.

Sleep: It’s More Elusive as We Get Older

When you hear that older people need less sleep than younger people do, don’t believe it. 

The Three Key Challenges of Retirement

Planning for your retirement can be challenging. It can be scary, and it can be frustrating.

The Drawback Of Target Date Mutual Funds

If the majority of fund management won’t even invest in their own target-date retirement funds….why should you?

What Is a Good 401K Match?

401K contributors have most likely pondered how their 401K compares with other company plans.

The Most Common Retirement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Taking the time and planning for retirement isn’t just a luxury. It is a necessity.  Retirement, as a whole, has become too complex to just randomly select a day and stop showing up to work

Where is Your Best Place to Retire?

The best place to retire in the United States is in dispute. There’s no formal debate, but a review of reliable publications showed surveys have named different states and cities as the “best” place to retire.

How Much You Should Have Saved For Retirement At Every Age

We know most Americans are woefully behind when it comes to saving for retirement, but according the latest data, it’s never too late to start saving.

Social Security Increases Benefits by 2.8% for 2019

The pay raise for Social Security recipients is the largest since 2012, and over 67 million Americans will see the increase in their payments beginning in January.

Frequently Asked Social Security Questions

  1. The more you know about America’s most important retirement program, the better chance you have of getting the most out of it.
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Just Say NO to Pie Charts!!

Pie charts look nice coming out of a color printer, but they can’t help manage investment risk

Options for an old 401K

One great thing about a 401K retirement savings plan is that your assets are often portable when you leave a job. But what should you do with them?

Don’t Forget To Include Your Pets In Your Home Evacuation Plan

Many homeowners will form evacuation plans for their homes and practice them with family members, but most have failed to include their pets.

5 Benefits of Working in Retirement

In the past, retirement has been portrayed as an ending, a grand exit from your years in the workplace. But the rules are shifting.

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from our retirement advisors

Special content from Jack, very short read!

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Special Edition from Research Financial Strategies

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The Fed’s Drive To 2% Inflation

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Consumers Expect Better Days Ahead

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Another Successful Kids Charity Golf Tournament!

Lollipop Golf TournamentThanks to everyone for helping us make this another successful event!   Clients, advisors and friends always make this one of our favorites each year!More about Lollipop Kids and the incredible work they do!

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EVs―The Next Big Thing

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